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Online Shopping for Apparel: The Elephant in the Room

Updated: Dec 16, 2019

Shopping for clothes online is broken, let’s fix it!

70% of retail sales are still done in brick and mortars and why is that? How can it be that in

spite of the

conveniences of online shopping people still go into the stores to buy clothes?

Well, if you’re an e-commerce store owner that operates in fashion, you’re likely to guess

customers are still married to the experience of trying before buying. It’s clear - shopping for

clothes is an intimate, hands-on experience that keeps millions flocking to malls and

investing hours to try clothes on and make sure its a good fit.

And it’s for a good reason, too. People come in all shapes in sizes in between, yet, we can

barely count on styles having a reliable fit from one season to the other, let alone from one

fashion label to the next. How can we possibly know that clothes fit us correctly when

shopping online?

And that’s the point, you can’t figure out if something will fit correctly because 86% of us

don’t fit these arbitrary sizes that manufacturers make for us. We are “in between” sizes.

One part of our body is an S, while the other may be an M. Naturally, it’s really difficult to

reliably shop online for clothes that actually fit!

Fitting in clothes correctly is a guessing game, until now.

Online shoppers indulge in a game of throwing darts in the dark when ordering apparel

online since the physical product is so far removed from sitting at their computers or on their

mobile phones, and often, only aided by a sizing chart. The problem is bad for business, bad

for the customer experience, and bad for the environment - returns mean wasted energy and

effort across the board. Isn’t it about time that shoppers had a simple and convenient way to

“try on” clothes before purchasing and shipping your merchandise across the country?

AstraFit solves this immense problem and bridges the gap between the customer’s needs to

try clothes on in the store and the current guessing game that has become the modern e-

commerce shopping experience. Without Astrafit, online shopping is just a guessing game

that results in low conversion rates but with the power of an online fitting room you give

customers the power to finally buy with confidence.

Everyone knows customers are frustrated because clothes don’t fit when they shop online,

so give them what they need and grow your business today.

How it works

The AstraFit Online Fitting Room easily installs on e-commerce platforms in the form of a

widget. Once customers input their sizing measurements, store results are selectively filtered

for apparel matching the shopper’s best fit.

The results? Dramatically less returns, higher conversion rates, and a stickier, more effective

online customer experience. It gives stores a huge competitive advantage because

customers get to purchase clothes more easily and faster than ever before.

So, want to give your online store the edge it needs in the marketplace to win loyal

customers that are happier with their purchases? Give AstraFit a try and see for yourself the

impact it has on your store’s shopping experience now. Customers can finally feel confident

buying with AstraFit because you give them exactly what they’ve been missing to purchase

your clothes with satisfaction.

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